
My 'Don't Have Much Time' Morning Routine

My morning routine very much changes depending on what I have planned and how much time I have. Today I thought I would share with you my 'don't have much time' morning routine as lets be honest we really don't have time for the full morning routine that we would very much like to do. 

I normally have a alarm to wake me and after hitting the snooze about 4 times and spending way to much time scrolling through social media I finally get out of bed! I always have my outfit for the next day laid out on the chair, this is something I have done since being at school and its a complete time saver in the mornings! 

Getting way to distracted!!!

When I don't have a lot of time I will head to the bathroom and do my skin routine, brush teeth and spray a lot of dry shampoo into my hair! Before putting my hair up in a high bun. 

I will return into my room and just apply a minimal amount of make up which normally consists of a good coverage foundation, a bit of bronzer and blusher and finishing of with a touch of eyeliner and mascara, not forgetting any lip balm I have within reach. 

Whether I'm rushing out the door for college or work, I do try and eat breakfast before I go but something I just ran out of time (to busy being on social media) i'll then just pop in my car and of I go to start my day. 

Todays Outfits - Top H&M Trousers Topshop

I hope you enjoyed this slight different morning routine, I would love to know what your 'real' ones are like? 

Much Love 


1 comment:

  1. i can definitely relate to scrolling through social media for too long! i do the same sort of makeup on a daily basis, can't be bothered to do any more!

    danielle | avec danielle // giveaway


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